Audio, Video and DSP Design

FPGA, DSP, PLL, and Embedded Firmware

Audio Compression and Distribution

Video Compression and Distribution

Trevor holds his Eddy award


Audio and Video Generation, Compression and Distribution

Analog and Digital Design and Simulation

Reference Design and Documentation

Phase Locked Loop Design

Test Equipment

Click here for a list of articles written for the E.E.Times CMP Publishing Group

DISCLAIMER: Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer(s) are purely coincidental. Any resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic. My existence can be challenged. The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold them is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of the reader is left as an exercise in the second order coefficient.

All information published at this website is (C)Copyright 1995-2001 Trevor Marshall.
All rights are expressly reserved. Click to email webmaster onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K onepixel.gif - 0.2 K